Insurance and capital market Sector

We at Ez-R.O.I have many years of experience and innovative technological expertise, providing unique solutions to the insurance sector and the capital market

Our extensive experience provides benefits to our clients from familiarity with regulation, language and systems to familiarity with the work processes in the worlds of element, life and economy. We produce smart solutions based on years of experience working with complex and unique processes for this sector, while integrating innovative technologies in which we specialize. This combination gives our customers the ability to make better use of their workforce and replace the sophisticated workforce required to perform repetitive tasks with robotic workforce thus saving the organization of faults and human errors, streamlining cumbersome and time-consuming processes and allowing existing workforce to be available for "human" tasks.

Among the solutions we offer for this segment, you can find:
● Claims processing
● Redemptions
● Property surveys

Banking Sector

We have extensive experience working with the financial sector: banking and companies approx. credit

Our extensive experience provides benefits to our customers, from familiarity with regulation, language and systems to familiarity with the work processes in the worlds of production, billing and clearing. We produce smart solutions based on years of experience working with complex and unique processes for this sector, while integrating innovative technologies in which we specialize. This combination gives our customers the capabilities to make better use of their workforce and replace sophisticated workforce required to perform repetitive tasks with robotic workforce thus saving the organization of human faults and errors, streamlining cumbersome and time-consuming processes and allowing existing workforce to be available for "human" tasks.

Among the solutions we offer for this sector, you can find:
● Automated report generation
● Opening an account
● Mortgage loans

Public Sector

The purpose of the public sector is to improve service to the citizen and this is what we specialize in

The public sector provides a solution and service to all citizens of the country, through processes consisting of many managers, controls and crossing at sea many systems and sometimes various bodies in the organization or in other organizations. These processes that take place in the various authorities and ministries require skills and careful familiarity with a huge variety of issues and connectivity between systems. The chance of human error in performing these complex processes is high. And the duration of their execution is slow. We have many years of experience in analyzing and understanding complex processes in the public sector. Over the past decades, we have engaged in: consulting the public sector and providing solutions to the unique and complex requirements of this sector. We offer the combination of our knowledge and experience, together with the technological specialization in order to provide solutions to problems that recur in every office and authority. The solutions we offer entail the improvement and streamlining of existing processes by technological means, under applicable and short schedules and in favor of improving the service to the citizen and shortening the schedules and bureaucracy.

Among the solutions we offer for this sector, you can find:
● Document authentication processing
● Form processing
● Human resource processes

Hi Tech Sector

We at Ez-ROI, with many years of experience and innovative technological expertise, provide unique solutions to the high-tech sector.

The Israeli high-tech market is known all over the world for its innovation and creativity. We at Ez-ROI specialize in providing solutions that will allow your company to jump to the next level: in company management, technology management and resource management to enable company employees to stop engaging in routine and repetitive tasks, invest in creative tasks, open their minds and enable employees to reach their potential. New. Our experience shows that employees who engage in creative tasks realize the potential inherent in them, and launch the company to new heights. We will allow you to give your employees exactly what they need in order to get the most out of their potential, using robots that will perform the routine and repetitive tasks, and allow the company to leapfrog.

Among the solutions we offer for this sector, you can find:
● Transfer and management of databases
● Product operation
● Account management

Manufacturing Sector

We at Ez-ROI, with many years of experience and innovative technological expertise, provide unique solutions to the industrial sector.

The manufacturing sector is facing the constant need for improvement in order to face the competition. Complex back office processes must be done flawlessly, without mistakes and within a time limit. The accuracy required to perform tasks in these processes is often not achieved due to human errors resulting from a variety of factors, including employee attrition, repetitive tasks and even distractions that can sometimes arise in production management planning, production schedules or millions of goods. Among the many benefits our technology has can be found: cost savings by improving the operation of the robots 24/7 non-stop, optimizing repetitive routine processes, minimizing human errors and increasing accuracy and directing manpower to complex and more important operations in the organization.

Among the solutions we offer for this sector, you can find:
● Inventory control
● Invoice processing